I elivered "Petra" yesterday, and moments like this when I get so lovely photos and happy feedback from a customer is truly a highlight in what I do and gives me so much joy!
How adorable is Petra posing with "Petra"?!

When I get a custom order, I always ask if they want an open or closed process. If they choose open, I will send updates and photos along the way and the customer can input ideas or make changes if they wish.
This was a custom order of the customers dog, painted in the style of "Frenchy" (another painting of mine) where I use pour paint-technique with metallic effects and paintbrush.
As it was an open process I thought I'd share some process photos here as well.
So i sketch roughly the outline first, make some adjustments and paint the face before taping the area for pouring and pour away. When the pour is done, I sprinkle metallic powder (here pale gold and bronze) over some areas to get the metallic effect. It will never come out looking the same way, and it changes several times during the drying process.
When I remove the tape, some adjustments may need to be done, and then I outline with gold paint. The customer wanted some colors on the white part of the snout, and I think it was a great addition to the piece!
I'm really happy with how it turned out in the end, and most important, the customer was really happy with the personalized piece. That is my ultimate drive!
